Why Ecoosi flexible PU woodworking dust collection hose is ideal used for woodworking processing and CNC machining centers?
Release time:2020-04-10 Hits: 【Print】

The flexible dust collection hose used in the woodworking industry is exposed to harsh conditions. In professional woodworking processing, continuous operation of the machine is very important. The machine and subsequent devices must operate as perfectly as possible, and downtime must be reduced. In addition, the suction of abrasive solids (such as wood chips) in the woodworking industry requires the use of flexible hose with high safety requirements. For this reason, Ecoosi industrial Co.,Ltd. designed the PU woodworking dust collection hose that meet the requirements of these special industries in its product range.
The flexible PU woodworking dust collection hose used in suction systems in the wood processing industry must be particularly suitable for the throughput of abrasive materials. Since wood dust or wood chips are flammable bulk materials, they must be extracted with antistatic hoses. During transportation, due to the friction on the material of the hose wall, static charge may be generated, and the discharge will follow the transition of the spark, so there is a risk of wood chips being ignited.
Ecoosi flexible PU woodworking dust collection hose that can withstand the harsh conditions of the wood industry. This PU ducting hose has wear resistance, flame retardant and antistatic properties. The wear resistance of the flexible hose and the associated long service life confirm its special applicability. In addition to functions, the handling of mechanical parts hoses is an important factor in daily use. Our polyurethane flexible duct hose combines high flexibility and low weight. These two features also allow simple handling and quick assembly at the corresponding suction system.
Ecoosi flexible PU woodworking dust collection hose is ideal used for CNC machine tools and CNC machining centers. It has excellent product characteristics: it has high abrasion resistance, high flexibility and compressibility 4: 1, can be used in a temperature range from -40 ° C to 90 ° C and up to 125 ° C in a short time.
If any interests in our flexible PU woodworking dust collection hose , please feel free to contact us through email: info@eiduct.com or Mobile(WhatsApp): 00-86-187-1155-3123, or our another website: www.eiduct.com to contact us, we are always here to satisfy your requirement!